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Friday 2 December

Zero tolerance for discrimination and harassment

Zéro tolérance face à la discrimination et au harcèlement

The fight against corruption is a clear commitment of the SFA Group.

We believe that all employees should be able to work in an environment without discrimination and harassment because we consider such behaviour to be intolerable. At all stages of the employment relationship, employees are treated based on merit and valued according to their abilities.  This means that there is no distinction, exclusion or preference based on criteria other than the work to be performed.

Promote diversity, inclusion and well-being at work produce positive effects for the company, the individuals and society:

- Employee fulfillment and improvement of motivation

- Development of a pleasant work environment

- Strengthening the atmosphere of respect and listening

By implementing concrete actions, the SFA Group confirms its commitment to fight against discrimination and harassment.

Discrimination and harassment policy

The SFA Group expresses its commitment through its "Discrimination and Harassment Policy", which defines the company's provisions on these subjects.

It applies to all employees in all their relationships with each other and with customers, suppliers and prospects.

You can find the Policy in the « Compliance » section.

Speak Up

The SFA Group encourages all employees to come forward with any concerns that violates the business principles. An anonymous reporting tool called "SpeakUp" has been implemented last year to entail early transparency by means of speaking up, so that ethical wrongdoing can be detected as early as possible.

The SpeakUp tool should not entirely replace the direct dialogue that forms the foundation of our transparent company culture but is pro­vided as a last resort. It is a service (‘communication instrument’) enabling all employees within the SFA Group or other stakeholders to report serious breaches that would otherwise not be reported in complete anonymity.

You can access our reporting platform in the "Alert Us" section.

Employee Training

In May 2022, a training campaign on discrimination, harassment, diversity and inclusion in the workplace has been launched with the goal of raising awareness and providing tools for action.

Zero tolerance for discrimination and harassment